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Bundle Of Love: Why Darkness Helps Newborns Sleep Deeper

Bundle Of Love: Why Darkness Helps Newborns Sleep Deeper

Creating a dark sleep environment for your newborn can significantly enhance the quality and duration of their sleep. And as tired new parents, this probably sounds like music to your ears because when they sleep, you sleep. But why does an extremely dark environment encourage deeper, longer sleep in babies? Darkness plays a crucial role in regulating sleep-wake cycles and promoting deeper, more restorative rest. 

Let's dive in...

1. Darkness Promotes Melatonin Production

Melatonin, often referred to as the "sleep hormone," is vital for regulating sleep-wake cycles. Exposure to light can inhibit melatonin production, making it harder for babies to fall and stay asleep. The Cleveland Clinic shares that, "Your pineal gland releases the highest levels of melatonin when there’s darkness and decreases melatonin production when you’re exposed to light. In other words, you have low levels of melatonin in your blood during the daylight hours and peak levels of melatonin during the nighttime."  

2. Darkness Reduces Visual Stimulation

Newborns are naturally curious and can be easily distracted by their surroundings. A dark room minimizes visual stimuli, helping babies focus on sleeping rather than engaging with their environment. This reduction in distractions can lead to quicker sleep onset and fewer nighttime awakenings. And if you really want to avoid distractions, especially audible distractions, consider a sound machine. SlumberCalm has a warm night light for any midnight diaper changes, and plays soothing sounds and melodies to drown out background noise all night long. It even has a Shhh Mode which replicates the sounds from the womb and provides comfort to newborns.

3. Darkness Supports Circadian Rhythm Development

While newborns' circadian rhythms are still maturing, exposure to consistent light and dark cycles can aid in their development. The National Library of Medicine found that within their first 3 months, babies are slowly developing their circadian rhythm, which is the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle across a 24-hour day. During this stage, exposure to natural light during the day and darkness at night and during naps can help synchronize and reinforce their circadian rhythm. The darkness signals to your baby's internal clock that it's time to rest, helping establish healthy sleep patterns as they grow.

4. Darkness Can Be Used As a Sleep Training Cue

Babies are all eyes and ears, all the time - taking in everything around them. Their little minds are like jello. And the more you can associate certain things to sleep, you'll be surprised how quickly they catch on. If they are consistently put into a dark room and expected to sleep, they will begin to resonate dark environments with sleeping time. But if you are asking them to sleep sometimes in dark, sometimes in light, it may confuse them.

5. Darkness Enhances Sleep Quality

Studies have shown that infants sleeping in darker environments tend to have longer nighttime sleep durations. A dark room not only helps babies fall asleep faster but also contributes to more consolidated and higher-quality sleep. The National Library of Medicine concluded in their studies that "Infant sleep duration was positively associated with a dark sleep environment and a focal feed at bedtime while taking the baby to the parent’s bed was associated with reduced infant sleep. Modifying the sleep environment and practices may improve infant sleep and reduce sleep health disparities."

So how can you create a dark sleep environment if it's the middle of the day nap time?

To optimize your baby's sleep setting during their daytime naps:

  • Use Blackout Curtains: These can effectively block external light sources, ensuring the room remains dark during naps and nighttime.

  • Eliminate Ambient Light: Turn off or dim any electronic devices that emit light in the baby's room.

  • Consider a Sleep Pod: Products like the SlumberPod create a portable, dark, and cozy space for your baby to sleep, which can be especially useful when traveling or when complete darkness is hard to achieve.

By prioritizing a dark sleep environment, you're not only helping your newborn enjoy deeper and more restorative sleep but also supporting their overall health and development. A well-rested baby is a happier and healthier baby, making for more joyful moments together.