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One Mama’s Babymoon: A Q&A with @itsthemillennialmama

One Mama’s Babymoon: A Q&A with @itsthemillennialmama

We're always inspired when I see mamas making time for themselves—especially when there’s a new little one on the way. In the hustle and bustle of prepping for baby, it’s so easy to forget that you deserve a moment (or two) to slow down, recharge, and soak up the anticipation of what’s to come! That’s why we couldn’t wait to hear about @itsthemillennialmama’s second babymoon. She’s an L.A. native turned Oregon mom of two (with another on the way during her story!), balancing a career in nursing and a passion for travel. Talk about busy—and she still finds time for adventures!

Grab a cozy seat, because you’re about to get some real gems on how to babymoon your way (and how to keep it stress-free).

Q1: Tell us about yourself & what you did for your babymoon!

“I’m a Los Angeles native but currently live in Oregon with my husband and two sweet girls, Peyton and Stevie! I’ve been a registered nurse for almost seven years, and I’m loving part-time work in the PACU right now. One of my favorite things is traveling, and it’s even better getting to experience new places with my family.

For our second babymoon, we decided to keep it more low-key and drove to Sunriver, Oregon—one of our favorite places to visit as a family! We rented a cabin, went to the pool, rode bikes, hit the park, ate lots of yummy food, and really enjoyed our last little vacation as a family of three. I’m super happy we decided to all go together. It was so much fun!”

Q2: After taking your babymoon, what would be your advice as a “must-do!” for mamas taking one of their own?

“My biggest tip is to think about how pregnant you want to be while traveling—seriously! From our very first babymoon, I learned I don’t want to be super pregnant on a 5-hour flight where my ankles swell by the second. Instead, make it easy on yourself. Think self-care and quality time before your new addition arrives. Scheduling a relaxing prenatal massage never hurt anybody either.”

Q3: What SlumberPod products do you love? And what would you recommend to parents with little ones on the way?

“The actual SlumberPod has been a staple when traveling with our family for a long time now, but we recently started using the SlumberTot, and it’s been the best upgrade for our 2-year-old! She thinks it’s so fun having her own little air mattress. And not having to lug around a heavy pack ’n play is a total game-changer!”

Q4: As a second-time mama, what will you be doing with baby #2 that you didn’t do with your first?

“I didn’t believe everyone when they said I’d be more chill with baby #2, but here I am, rolling with the punches! Our second girl has adapted so well to sleeping on the go, which I’m grateful for because we’re always doing something. We actually just went to Disneyland as a family, and little Stevie slept on me in her carrier through the Haunted Mansion, Buzz Lightyear, and Alice in Wonderland rides. I’m glad I didn’t put so much pressure on nap time this time around. Being flexible has been totally doable and fun!”


Final Thoughts:

If there’s one thing we can learn from @itsthemillennialmama’s babymoon story, it’s that a little flexibility and a whole lot of family togetherness can create some pretty magical memories—no matter how far you travel. Whether you’re expecting your first or your fifth, a babymoon is all about soaking up the final moments before a new chapter begins. So, choose a destination that speaks to your heart, keep it comfortable (for your ankles, mama!), and don’t forget to pack those SlumberPod essentials for a smoother sleep routine on the road.

Here’s to spontaneous naps, favorite foods, and turning everyday moments into cherished family traditions. Wishing you the happiest babymoon—and the best start to your next adventure as a family!

Check out the rest of our blog for more real-life parenting stories and sleep tips. Because at the end of the day (and night!), we’re all just doing our best to catch some Z’s and make beautiful memories along the way.