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Twinsanity: Tips for Traveling with Twins (Plus Discounts!)

Twinsanity: Tips for Traveling with Twins (Plus Discounts!)

As scary as it seemed, I decided to not let having infant and toddler twins hold us back from traveling.  My husband and I traveled a lot before having kids and although stressful, we knew we wanted to continue seeing family on the holidays and enjoying some fun in the sun a few times a year.

This meant A LOT of preparation, research and anxiety.  This is why I decided to write this blog post to save you the trouble!

The first time we traveled on an airplane was from Boston to North Carolina to visit my sister for the 4th of July.  My boy girl twins were 8 months old.  We were sooo nervous about the flight!  We were mostly afraid that our twins might cry the whole way through and upset the passengers surrounding us. 

To prepare in advance, I purchased foam ear plugs in bulk and put them into little plastic zip loc bags to hand out to the passengers once we were seated.  Even if they were not bothered by not one, but two crying babies…this thoughtful gesture would set the tone that we cared and were apologizing in advance.  Hopefully, they would go easy on us!  You could easily get these items on Amazon for a small amount of money which is worth the smiles and compassion you’ll receive in return!



If you are planning a road trip, here are some of my tips from personal experience.

  • Pack Blankets & Pillows: Be sure to pack a soft blanket and pillow for each child.  This will create a cozy environment that is familiar with home, and encourage napping.
  • Ensure Everyone is Well Fed: Make sure that your babies or toddlers are well fed before getting into the vehicle.  I liked to plan on leaving for road trips around 30-60 minutes before nap time.  This way, my twins would be fed and content for a little while before dozing off for a few hours.  My goal was to have them asleep for as much of the trip as possible.
  • Plan Stop & Stretches: If you will be driving for several hours, plan to stop and stretch every two hours or so.  Invest in a portable potty for toddlers and little kids!  I may or may not have even used one myself in the back of my minivan during a pee emergency! 
    • SHH…THIS portable potty is my favorite.  It’s super compact and folds up to fit in your bag or under your stroller!  There are disposable liners you can buy that make going to the bathroom an incredibly easy process.  I even had my kids use it at Disney, the zoo and playground.
  • Pull-Ups For The Win: Even if your toddlers are potty trained, my advice is to put a Pull-Up (training underwear) on them for long car rides!  This way, you won’t have to worry about any potty accidents if they are sound asleep in their car seat.  Trust me on this.
  • Have Hand Sanitizer On Deck: Make sure you have hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes to take to any public rest stops with your kiddos. You never know what kind of grossness you will find! Wear a belt bag big enough to hold your bathroom necessities, for easy access.  And don’t forget to bring the wipes for any diaper changing or bathroom visits.  You’ll also want to have extra wipes in the car for those sticky fingers.  Think greasy fast food, too!
  • Avoid Tears With A Prize: Worried about crying and complaining?  Incentivize the kids by letting them know at the beginning of the trip that if they are well behaved and patient, they will get a treat such as a donut or fries halfway through! 


    If you are flying with infant or toddler twins...

    • Diaper Change At The Gate: Make sure you change their diapers in the gate area to make sure they are fresh as can be for the flight!
    • Drink A Bottle During TakeOff & Landing: Another trick is to let them drink a bottle during takeoff and landing.  This helps to avoid some potential pain due to their ears popping.  For older children, a lollipop to suck on is also a good idea.  For mommy and daddy, chew some gum!
    • PACK. SNACKS.: Plan ahead and pack as many snacks as possible.  I really like the Bentgo lunch boxes for toddlers and little kids who are able to feed themselves.  You can put a few well-balanced choices in them for variety.  Bring a soft cooler that you can set on the back floor of the vehicle, for easy access. 
    • Avoid Tears With A Prize: Worried about crying and complaining?  Incentivize the kids by letting them know at the beginning of the trip that if they are well behaved and patient, they will get a yummy treaty when you land!


    It’s important to keep in mind that each 3-seater row on an airplane can legally only accommodate three people over the age of two plus ONE lap baby.  There are only 4 oxygen masks per row, so a second lap baby is not allowed to be in the same row.

    • Traveling Solo? You'll Need 2 Seats: If you are traveling solo with your infant or toddler twins, you will need to purchase at lease two seats so that one can go on your lap and the other can go in a car seat next to you…or if they are old enough, they can sit in the seat next to you.  Be sure to call the airline to find out the specific rules for their flights.
    • Traveling with Another Adult? Purchase an aisle and middle seat on one side and then an aisle and middle seat across the aisle.  This way, you are still close to your partner/helper and can pass things back and forth, or watch the second child when one adult needs to use the restroom.  Again, this is because you cannot have two adults with two lap babies in the same row.
    • TSA Will Test Your Breastmilk/Formula: As I mentioned earlier, prefill bottles with dry formula and then buy bottled water after you get through security.  Remember, you cannot bring liquids with you through security.  You CAN bring breast milk and liquid formula in clear bottles through security, but you will need to inform TSA and they will test it.
      • HERE is a helpful link for the rules regarding traveling with formula, breast milk and baby food!


    • Consider Toddler Leashes: If you have a few hours to spare at before your flight, I recommend purchasing two “toddler leashes” to let your twins walk around a bit without having to worry. (My faves are the On the Goldbug Harness Backpack or the Dr.meter Toddler Leash) Remember, the airport is one of the top places for child trafficking, so PLEASE do not let your children wander more than a few feet away.
    • Use Apple Air Tags: Put Apple Air Tags in all of your luggage and bags, as well as on your kids!  There are plenty of places to hide it, such as their shoe or a small pocket in their jacket, and this will give you peace of mind.
    • Make Up A Song: If your children are a bit older like 3 or 4 years old, you can make up a fun and simple song to teach them “mommy’s phone number”.  You can even put it to the tune of ABCs. It works! Practice every day. 



    If you are traveling with infant or toddler twins for the holidays, vacation or any other reason…

    • Get TWO SlumberPod's: Definitely invest in TWO SlumberPod portable sleep tents to fit perfectly over your Pack & Play, other portable crib, or SlumberTot if you have toddlers!  The SlumberPod is a GAME CHANGER for getting your twins to sleep for longer stretches when out of their element!  It’s been rigorously tested for safety and creates a totally dark, breathable and relaxing environment for your children.  Easy to set up and take down, the SlumberPod will give you that extra time in the evening and mornings without being disrupted by daylight. 
    • Add White Noise: Be sure to bring a portable white noise machine to reduce anxiety and drown out any outside noises that might interfere with your babies’ sleep, especially when on vacation or during the holidays.  I don’t know about you, but my family can certainly get pretty rowdy!

    The SlumberPod is also a great option if you have guests staying with you for the holidays and need to change the sleeping arrangements in your house.  Put your twins in their pack and plays and let them sleep in your room under the SlumberPod.  Problem solved!  Traveling to Grandma or the inlaws?  Easily pack the SlumberPod and take it with you.  There’s even interior pockets for a portable fan, a baby monitor and sound machine to encourage the best sleep possible! 


    • If You Are Bottle Feeding: Pre-fill a few bottles with measured formula and then bring some room temp bottled water to easily make the bottles on demand. 
    • If You Are Breastfeeding: Pack a breastfeeding pillow so that you can easily nurse in the car or at a rest stop.  I actually recommend something called Tushbaby!  It’s somewhat like a belt bag that an adult can wear and it’s ergonomically designed to support an infant or toddler up to 35 pounds!  You can use it as a portable support product when breastfeeding your baby away from home.  The main function of the Tushbaby is to carry your child on your hip without straining yourself.  It’s awesome!  The “fanny pack” part can actually fit your essentials including wipes, a few diapers, pacifier, keys, phone, etc!


      • Invest In Tablets: I highly recommend investing in two tablets such as the Amazon Fire for kids, when traveling by car or plane!  It’s IMPORTANT to turn on the tablets at home and make sure they’re connected to Wi-Fi shortly before your trip.  This gives the tablets an opportunity to download the necessary updates so that you don’t encounter any issues in the airport or car. 
      • Download Ahead Of Time: My next tip is to make sure you DOWNLOAD any movies, games or content you want to have access to during your flight or on the road!  Download everything at home when you have a strong Wi-Fi signal so you have peace of mind your content has been saved to your device.
      • Don't Forget Kid's Headphones: Make sure you also have a set of kids’ headphones for each tablet.  The airlines require the tablets to be silent unless headphones are worn.  These are the ones we have and like!
      • Bring Busy Boards: I also recommend some busy boards for your twins to enjoy in the car or in flight.  They are typically compact and can fit inside a backpack or carryon bag. 
      • Pack A Backpack For Each Kiddo: If there will be two adults, you should pack a backpack for EACH TWIN.  Think of this bag as your lifeline. It is my advice to place each backpack underneath the seat in front of you on the air plane versus in the overhead bin so it's easily accessible. In each bag should have:
        • A full change of clothes
        • Diaper wipes
        • Extra diapers
        • Sanitizer
        • Burp cloths & Bibs
        • Small soft blanket & lovie
        • Teethers if necessary
        • Two bottles prefilled with dry formula (if necessary)
        • Age-appropriate snacks
        • An empty water bottle
        • Crayons and a coloring book
        • Infant/children’s Tylenol or Motrin
        • Small toys such as rattles or other sensory items
        • A bottle of water for yourself and any snacks you might want


      • If Traveling With Infants, Get a Changing Station: If you are traveling with infants, definitely invest in a Chikiroo Portable, Wearable Changing Station!  GAME CHANGER.  Imagine not having a sanitary place to put your baby down and change their diaper.  Chikiroo's genius invention allows you to be hands free and change your baby safely, ANYWHERE. 


      • Get A Lightweight Double Stroller: Get a compact lightweight double stroller for all of your travel needs including airplane, theme parks, walks and more.  Having a double stroller at the airport with young twins is crucial in the event that you encounter any delays.  The stroller doubles as a place for the kids to nap, snack or watch their tablets.
        • My Favorite? I love the Zoe Twin V2. It's sooo light at just 23 pounds. We’ve been using ours for over five years! It has a 45lb weight limit per seat and it comes with standard premium wheels, an adjustable handlebar, ample storage underneath, and can even snap in one car seat! The seats fully recline for babies as young as 3 months old.  The large, expandable sun shades are awesome and protective and the Zoe Twin fits through standard doorways. It easily and quickly folds in half to fit in most trunks with room to spare!
        • If You Have More Than 2 Kids? Do you have three or four kiddos under five?  You can add on a third and fourth seat to accommodate your crew or check out their Trio and Tribe!  The Zoe Twin folds up compact, is Disney and airline approved, has lots of cute accessories, comes in beautiful colors and is well-made and easy to use.


      Get To Know The Author:

      I started Twinsanity Life during the pandemic after realizing there were not many support resources out there for twin moms. I was a stay-at-home mom of toddler twins, surviving COVID lockdowns and the brutal New England winters indoors. Although I have an incredible husband along with family and friends, it was a time when I felt very isolated and lonely.

      ​For me personally, going from zero to two kids at once was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But it was also the biggest blessing and a dream come true. I only wish someone would have prepared me for how our life was about to change. So my goal is to help anyone who is trying to navigate through having twins or multiples, and parenting in general.  

      We want moms of multiples to know that they are not alone and their feelings are valid.